Beaconsfield Pistol Club Matches

Below are the various competitions we participate in.

ISSF Matches

10m Air Pistol

10m Air pistol are ISSF events shot by both men and women, at all levels of competition up to and including the Olympics and Paralympics.

Distance: 10m

Calibre: .177”, 4.5 mm air pistol – compressed air or gas

Minimum trigger pull: 500g.

Number of shots: 60 shots

Target:  10 ring of 11.5 mm diameter, each ring increases by 16 mm

The 10m Air Pistol events, and the 50m Pistol event are arguably the most mentally demanding events.

25m Pistol

Formerly known as Sport Pistol, 25m Pistol women’s event was introduced in the 1960s.  Internationally 25m Pistol is only shot up to and including the Olympics by women, and up to and including the Paralympics by men and women, and by juniors at the World Championships, In Australia the event is also shot by men at many State competitions.

25m Pistol combines both precision and rapid-fire, in two stages each of 30 shots

Distance: 25 metres

Calibre: .22 long rifle rimfire

Minimum trigger pull: 1000g.

Precision Stage

Number of shots/time: 30 shots, in six series of 5 shots, each series is 5 minutes

Precision Stage target: 10 ring of 50 mm diameter, each ring increases by 50 mm

After all competitors have completed the Precision Stage, they then fire the Rapid Fire Stage.

Rapid Fire Stage

Number of shots/time: 30 shots, in six series of 5 shots.

 Each series consists of 5 exposures of the target, each exposure is for 3 seconds; the shooter fires one shot per exposure.

Rapid Fire Stage target: 10 ring of 100 mm diameter, each ring increases by 100 mm.

The top 8 contestants having the highest scores progress on to the final, which consists of four additional rapid-fire stage series of 5 shots each.  The final score is added to the qualification score.

The Targets

 These target is 55cm by 55cm and is at a distance of 25m.

25m Centrefire Pistol

25m Centre Fire Pistol is one of the ISSF shooting events and is normally a men-only event.

Other than the calibre used, the Centre Fire event is exactly the same as the 25m Pistol Women, and Men’s Sport Pistol events.

The 25m Centre Fire match is shot with a handgun of any calibre between 7.62 mm (.30”) and 9.65 mm (.38”).  The most popular choices by far are specially designed sport pistols and revolvers in .32 calibre.  Using a revolver is not a disadvantage because there are no speedy series of shots involved.  The name Centre-Fire comes from the ignition system of these calibres as opposed to the rimfire of .22 cartridges.

There is no Final round for the Centre Fire Pistol event.

In Australia this event is also shot by women at most competitions.

25m Standard Pistol

25m Standard Pistol is one of the ISSF shooting events introduced at the World Championship level in 1970.

Target: 10 ring of 50 mm diameter, each ring increases by 50 mm

Distance: 25 metres

Calibre: .22 long rifle rimfire

Minimum trigger pull: 1000g.

Number of shots/time: 60 competition shots, fired as four stages of 20 shots.

The 60-shot match is divided into 5-shot series with different timings:

  • 4 series of 5 shots within 150 seconds for each series
  • 4 series of 5 shots within 20 seconds for each series
  • 4 series of 5 shots within 10 seconds for each series
  • There is no Final round for the Standard Pistol event

In Australia this event is also shot by women at most competitions

25m Rapid Fire Pistol

.In 25m Rapid Fire Pistol competitors use semi-automatic pistols in .22 calibre (5.6mm) at all levels of competition up to and including the Olympics.  A series (or string) consists of five (5) shots fired, one at each of five target within a limited time.

Five targets stand next to each other at a 25m distance from the shooter.  When the targets appear, the competitor must raise his/her arm from a 45 degree angle and fire his/her five shots.  If a shot is too late, it will score as a miss.

Distance: 25 metres

Calibre: .22 long rifle rimfire

Minimum trigger pull: 1000g.

Number of shots/time:  60 competition shots, fired as two stages of 30 shots.

Targets: 10 ring of 100 mm diameter, each ring increases by 100 mm

There are three different time limits: 8 seconds, 6 seconds and 4 seconds for the series.  A stage consists of two series in each time, and a full course of fire comprises two such stages.

The top 6 contestants having the highest scores progress on to the final, which consists of four additional rapid-fire stage series of 5 shots each, fired in the 4-seconds sequence.  The final score is added to the qualification score.

In Australia this event is also shot by women at most competitions.

The Target

This target is 55cm by 55cm and is at a distance of 25m

50m Pistol

Formerly known as Free Pistol, the 50m Pistol event is shot at all levels of competition up to and including the Olympics and Paralympics using .22 calibre single-shot pistols.

Distance:  50 metres

Calibre: .22 long rifle rimfire

There is no minimum trigger pull specified for this event.

Number of shots/time: 60 competition shots in a total competition time of 2 hours

Target:  10 ring of 50mm diameter, each ring increases by 50mm

In this event the pistol may only be loaded with one round of ammunition at a time and must be operated with only one hand, which cannot be supported in any way.  There are practically no rules for the pistol itself, trigger force may be as low as the competitor chooses, the grip may be designed in any way provided it does not give support beyond the wrist, and there are no restrictions on size and weight of the pistol.

The top 8 contestants having the highest scores progress on to the final, which consists of ten shots, each fired within 75 seconds.  The final score is added to the qualification score. 

50m Pistol is described as the purest form of precision shooting amongst the pistol events, which has undergone minimal rule changes over the past 75 years.

In Australia the event is also shot by women at most competitions.

The Target:

This target is 55cm by 55cm and is at a distance of 50m.


Pistol Australia Matches

Service Match/Unrestricted

The Service Pistol event uses 9mm and ·38/·357 pistols & revolvers. It consists of 90 shots fired at distances varying from 50 to 7 yards with the pistol holstered at the commencement of each series. It is a match that involves long distance precision shooting and fast shooting on multiple targets.

The Service – Unrestricted event uses 9mm, .32 and ·38/·357 pistols & revolvers. It has the same course of fire as Service match, with a couple of differences.
1. The firearm does not have the same restrictions as Service match, in relation to weight, length of barrel, size of grips etc.
2. There is no minimum power factor for ammunition. Service match requires a 120,000 power factor ammunition.
3. Holsters are not used in this match. For the most part, the series begins with the firearm held in both hands at 45 degrees.
This is a fantastic match that has the same course of fire as service match, but is much easier to shoot due to the eased restrictions on the firearm, the ammunition and the start position.

24 shots @ 50 yards (165 seconds)
6 shots prone Target 4.
6 shots sitting or kneeling Target 3.
6 shots right side of barricade Target 2.
6 shots left side of barricade Target 1.

24 shots @ 25 yards
6 shots right side of barricade (15 seconds, target 4)
6 shots left side of barricade (15 seconds, target 3)
6 shots from each the right and left side of barricade (35 seconds, targets 1&2)

12 shots @ 25 yards
3 shots on each of targets 1&2 (6 seconds)
2 shots on each of targets 2, 3 & 4 (6 seconds)

18 shots @ 10 yards
6 shots on target 4 (4 seconds)
6 shots on a target 3, 3 using left hand, 3 using right hand, (8 seconds)
3 shots on each of target 1&2 (4 seconds)

12 shots @ 7 yards
6 shots on each of targets 1&2, (15 seconds), unsighted, with the firearm below shoulder height.

25yd Service Match

The 25 yards Service Pistol event for calibres from ·32 to ·38/·357 pistols consists of 65 shots fired at distances varying from 25 to 7 yards. Ammunition is stored and loaded from the pocket by hand in each series. The equipment required is minimal. A revolver with a 4 inch barrel or a semi-auto with a 5 inch barrel and some ammo is all you need. This match is not shot from the holster, normally the ready position is with the gun loaded, held in two hands at 45 degrees.

25 shots@ 25 yards (210 seconds)

5 shots prone on target 5
5 shots sitting on target 4
5 shots kneeling on target 3
5 shots right side of barricade on target 2
5 shots left side of barricade on target 1

15 shots @ 25 yards

3 shots on target 1 & 2 shots on target 2 in 6 seconds.
1 shot on target 2, 2 shots on target 3, 2 shots on target 4 in 6 seconds.
5 shots on target 5, one shot in 3 seconds, repeated 5 times.

15 shots @ 10 yards

5 shots on target 5 in 4 seconds
5 shots with the weak hand on target 4 in 6 seconds
3 shots on target 1, 2 shots on target 2 in 4 seconds.

10 shots @ 7 yards

5 shots on each of targets 1&2 in 25 seconds, with the gun held below shoulder height.

The 25 metre Rapid Fire targets are used for this event and set in a bank of five targets per shooter.


25m Black Powder

The 25m Black Powder event combines both precision and rapid-fire, in two stages each of 20 shots:

Distance: 25 metres

Calibre:  maximum ·46 calibre, cap and ball revolver

Precision Stage

Number of shots/time: 20 shots, in four series of 5 shots, each series is 12 minutes

Precision Stage, target: 10 ring of 50 mm diameter, each ring increases by 50 mm

After all competitors have completed the Precision Stage, they then fire the Rapid Fire Stage.

Rapid Fire Stage

Number of shots/time: 20 shots, in four series of 5 shots.

Each series consists of 5 exposures of the target, each exposure is for 3 seconds; the shooter fires one shot per exposure.

Rapid Fire Stage, target: 10 ring of 100 mm wide x 150 mm high, each ring increases by 100 mm.

50m Black Powder

The 50m Black Powder event is based on the ISSF 50m Pistol match reduced to 40 shots:

Distance: 50 metres

Calibre: maximum ·46 calibre, cap and ball

Number of shots/time: 40 shots in four series of 10 shots, each series is 30 minutes

Target: PA Black Powder Target

25m Black Powder 13 Shot Event

The 13-shot events provide a 13-shot event for virtually every type of black powder ‘cap and ball’ pistols.

Although this is an event of 13 shots, only the ten best scoring shots are counted for the shooter’s score.

There are four suggested ‘categories’: Replica single-shot, Fixed-sight revolver, Adjustable-sight revolver, and Modern single-shot pistol.

PA Affiliates may add further categories, but pistols must be black powder:

Distance: 25 metres

Number of shots/time: 13 shots in 30 minutes

Target: ISSF 25/50m Precision Target

WA 1500 Matches

WA 1500 Revolver/Pistol

WA 1500 (‘WA’ stands for World Association; the ‘1500’ is the maximum score (150 shots at a target with a 10-ring)) is a challenging match, comprising fast close shooting and precision long distance shooting.

The 1500 Match is very similar to our PA Service Pistol match; no accident or coincidence, as these and a number of other ‘service’ type matches around the world share common ancestry.

The “revolver and semi-auto” matches have the same course of fire. Competitors can shoot either type of gun alongside other competitors with the different class of gun. Stock standard guns can be used, however most competitors use reasonably highly modified guns and equipment, including sight bars, custom barrels, custom grips and highly tuned triggers. Other equipment needed includes a holster, speed loaders or magazines and an array of other equipment like stop watches and tools.

The most common calibres are .38 (.357) for revolvers, and 9mm or .38 super for semi-autos.

This match is shot at club level, at opens around the state and country, at state titles, national titles and at world championships. Once a competitor has competed in three opens, they receive a world ranking which is listed on the official website.

The WA matches include a 150 shot match, 60 & 48 shot matches.

The 150-Shot Course of fire:

12 Shots at 7yds in 20 seconds.

12 Shots at 15yds in 20 seconds.

18 Shots at 25yds in 90 seconds. (6 shots kneeling, 6 shots left of the barricade, 6 shots right of the barricade).

24 shots at 50yds in 165 seconds. 6 shots each sitting, prone, left and right of the barricade.

12 shots at 25yds in 35 seconds, repeated twice.

12 shots at 7yds in 20 seconds.

18 shots at 25yds in 90 seconds, 6 shots each kneeling, left and right of the barricade.

24 shots at 50yds in 165 seconds, 6 shots each sitting, prone, left and right of the barricade.

6 shots at 25yds in 12 seconds.

WA 1500 60 Shot Distinguished Revolver/Pistol

This match is shot with almost stock standard pistols or revolvers. They are normally .38 (.357) calibre revolvers with 6 inch barrels and 9mm or .38 super semi-autos. The ammunition must meet a certain power factor, which is calculated by multiplying the weight of the projectile by its velocity.

This is a relatively fast match, comprising fast and precision shooting from a number of different positions.

The 60-Shot Course:

12 Shots at 7yds in 20 seconds

18 Shots at 25yds in 90 seconds, 6 each kneeling, left and right of the barricade.

24 shots at 50yds in 165 seconds, 6 each of sitting, prone, left and right of the barricade.

6 shots at 25yds in 12 seconds.

WA1500 48 Shot Standard Revolver/Pistol

Revolvers are typically in .38 calibre and have a 4 inch barrel. Autos are normally 9mm or .38 super and the barrels are normally 5 inches long. These guns are basically off the shelf, with very little modification allowed. All that is needed is a standard gun, a holster, some magazines or speed loaders and 48 rounds of ammunition.

Course of fire:

3yds – 8 seconds – 6 shot standing without support, one-handed

7yds – 20 seconds – 12 shots standing without support

15yds – 20 seconds – 12 shots standing without support

25yds – 90 seconds – 18 shots 6 shots kneeling, 6 shots standing left and right of the barricade.